The Best Aesthetic Medicine: Non-Invasive Treatments for Ageless Beauty


The best aesthetic medicine refers to surgical, non-surgical, and dermatological treatments that can help to prevent and manage the signs of aging.  These procedures are elective and can remove imperfections, lift and tighten the skin, or sculpt the body to enhance the aesthetic beauty of a person.

 Nowadays, people are following the footsteps of famous celebrities who have undergone operations and cosmetic procedures like Botox, fillers, cool sculpting, and lifts. Their endorsements for these treatments create a lot of buzz in the industry, making them more sought after by consumers.

From minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatments to invasive cosmetic procedures that require surgery, there are many options available to fit your budget and needs.

In this article, we are going to talk about the best aesthetic medicine procedures that are trending in the market today because they pose a lower risk of severe side effects, and offer a great alternative to invasive procedures like surgery.



Botox is a non- surgical procedure that uses a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin to paralyze the underlying muscles temporarily. When the neurotoxin is injected into the tissue, it targets the nervous system and interrupts the signals that cause muscles to contract.  Botox is  the most popular aesthetic medicine procedures because it is smooth and relatively painless with no downtime, it is also approved to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, as well as multiple other muscular conditions that cause spasm of the eyelids, urinary incontinence, hyperhidrosis ( excessive sweating),  chronic migraines, neck and shoulder spasms.


The Botulinum toxin is injected by the physician directly into the neuromuscular tissue. It can take up to 72 hours for the botulinum to take full effect, in some cases, it may take up to 5 days.

 Some common side effects may include: allergic reactions, mild redness, and swelling at the injection site, temporary weakness in muscles, headache, numbness, as well as many others not listed here. Although some side effects may be experienced, they are usually temporary and subside within a few days. It is vital you speak with your physician to ensure botox injections are right for you.



Dermal fillers (aka soft tissue fillers) are substances injected just beneath the surface of the skin to add volume and plumpness. Some of the substances used in dermal fillers are; hyaluronic acid (boosts hydration and plumpness), poly-l-lactic acid (stimulates the skin to make more collagen), calcium hydroxylapatite (a mineral-like compound found in bone), and polyalkylimide( a transparent gel compatible with the body).

Dermal fillers are known to soften the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and scars, fill in shallow areas around the eyes, and plump up thinning lips. Most of the side effects associated with aging are a result of the degradation of collagen and elastin.  By injecting dermal fillers, you are filling in the gaps to temporarily add volume to the skin and smooth out lines and wrinkles to improve the aesthetic beauty. Fillers can provide your skin with a youthful pick-me-up without the cost and downtime associated with invasive surgery.


After mapping out the face, the physician will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area. The dermal fillers are injected into the skin then massaged in and evaluated before the final result is seen. Depending on the areas to treat, the process can take from 15 minutes to 1 hour to complete. Tenderness may be experienced post-procedure and could last a few days.

Some side effects may include: allergic reaction, skin damage than causes a wound or infection, redness and bruising at the injection site, and more severe side effects could result in skin cell death due to loss of blood flow. Side effects are rare when performed by an experienced physician, so check their credentials before undergoing any procedure.



A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing procedure that uses the application of an acid solution to treat surface imperfections and skin conditions, by removing the outer layers of dead, damaged skin. Essentially, a chemical peel is a "controlled burn."  Chemical peels have been around for ages and are a great way to erase old skin damage and start new. Although hearing the word "chemical peel" may scare some, it is not as painful as it sounds. In most cases, the discomfort is very mild and can mimic the effects of a mild-moderate sunburn.

 Chemical peels can improve acne, brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, tone and texture of the skin, as well as improving the overall complexion .


After the consultation process is complete and the skin prepped, the aesthetician will thoroughly cleanse the skin followed by a de-greasing agent to ensure all oils have been removed. The selected acid solution is applied with even strokes and a firm pressure. Depending on the solution being used, the peel could take anywhere from 1 min up to 15 minutes. It is common to feel a warm tingling sensation, discomfort is decreased if the skin is properly prepped with the right home care products in the weeks leading up to the aesthetic medicine procedure.

Some side effects include: allergic reactions, mild to moderate redness or swelling, skin peeling, darker pigment and discoloration, itching or burning, and chemical burns. In most cases, adverse reactions are mild in nature and usually clear up within a few days. It is essential to have your chemical peel applied by an experienced aesthetician or dermatologist. Complete consultation and skin analysis should be performed to minimize the risk of unwanted side effects. It is critical to disclose all health information and medications as certain factors can interfere with the procedure.



A procedure that uses lasers to improve the appearance of the skin. Laser skin treatments can be beneficial in aesthetic medicine. Lasers have grown very popular over the years due to the results that can be achieved.

Lasers are known can help improve the tone and texture of the skin, scars, lines and wrinkles, and age spots. With the advancement in technology and aesthetic medicine, there is no shortage of options when it comes to laser treatments. There are many benefits to receiving laser skin treatments, consulting with a board-certified physician can help you determine the right treatment for you and your skin.


Ablative Laser

A wound inducing, skin resurfacing procedure that removes thin layers of the skin. CO2 and Erbium are common ablative lasers that remove unwanted flaws and accumulated damage to reveal a fresh, more youthful complexion. Ablative laser resurfacing treatments will provide amazing results, but come with a slightly higher risk and some downtime.

Certain conditions and skin types may not be a candidate for ablative lasers such as; autoimmune disorders, those prone to easy scaring, darker skin types, active acne, and acne medications (Accutane or isotretinoin) in the past year.

Some side effects may include redness and swelling, itchiness of the skin, acne breakouts, infection, changes in skin color, and scarring. If you suffer from cold sores, it is advised to start antivirals up to 2 weeks before treatment as ablative treatments can trigger breakouts.

Non-Ablative Laser

A non wounding laser that stimulates collagen production and tightens to strengthen the structure of the skin. Many types of non-ablative lasers improve flaws within the skin, as well as intense pulsed light (IPL). Non-ablative laser treatments produce heat without causing injury, the heat causes the skin to create more collagen, which causes the skin to look younger and healthier. Non-ablative laser treatments can be performed on most skin types. However, patients suffering from melasma may be contraindicated, as heat can cause melasma to darken.

Although non-ablative lasers can't target as many conditions as ablative lasers, they are a great alternative to more invasive procedures. In most cases, non-ablative lasers produce great results.

some side effects may include: mild redness and swelling, blistering and scarring, a flare-up of cold sores (caused by the herpes virus), changes in skin color (standard in darker skin types).

If you are looking for the best aesthetic medicine procedures that are a non-invasive way to revive your skin, research more and consider one of these medical skin treatments. Speak with your physician or Aesthetician about the options best suited for your skin. Whether you choose botox, fillers, chemical peels, or laser treatments, you are sure to reap the skin benefits and enhance the aesthetic beauty with near-flawless results.


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